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personal information

current address

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
State / Province / Region

Education history

Please include your Secondary / High School Education data first then your College / University / Higher Education, after which you can mention any relevant studies to the position you are applying to


Please mention your current employer first, then previous employers older then oldest:


You are required to provide at least two referees, preferably from your most recent employers:


Full Name
  • ▪ Declare that the answers to the questions in the application are true and correct and I understand that the information requested within this application form is sought to establish my suitability for the position that I am applying and that if I do not provide such information then this application for employment may be rejected.
  • ▪ Authorise any screening processes that Royal British International School sees fit to exercise in considering this application. I understand this process may include employer references and checking of criminal and medical records.
  • ▪ Note that any offer of employment does not constitute an employment agreement until a separate agreement has been evidenced in writing and signed by Royal British International School and myself.
  • ▪ Am not aware of any personal circumstance, medical condition or disability that would limit my ability to adequately perform the role for which I seek appointment.
  • ▪ Accept that, should my application be successful, the foregoing information will form part of my contract of employment and falsification of any information is grounds for dismissal.
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